Multiple Planes Carry Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Chattanooga


Multiple airplanes carrying unaccompanied migrant children from the southern border landed late at night on multiple days at Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center, according to a report from WRCB.

Upon arriving in Chattanooga, dozens of migrant children boarded multiple buses to be transported to various locations.

One of the bus companies that picked up the migrant children said they were sent to the Chattanooga air center as part of a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense. The company added they have picked up migrants at multiple locations across the South — including Atlanta and Mobile.

Over the past months, multiple migrant children have stayed at the Tennessee Temple dormitory in the Highland Park area of Chattanooga. It is unclear how many of the most recent migrants were located to this area.

The act of flying unaccompanied minors to the region late at night has raised concerns on how President Biden is handling the influx of illegal immigrants since the beginning of his administration. Many states have had to provide lodging, funded by U.S. taxpayer money, due to overcrowded processing facilities along the border.

In a statement released by her office to WRCB, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said she had no knowledge of the activities being conducted. “Our office has received no information from the Biden Administration informing us of a mass transportation of migrants to Tennessee. It is absolutely unacceptable if the Biden Administration is facilitating a mass migration without any input or oversight from Tennesseans and the affected communities,” the statement detailed.

Additionally, the Biden administration has received severe criticism over their policy decisions — which have led to the large increase in illegal immigration. One of Biden’s first actions as President was to stop the construction of the border wall implemented by President Trump.

Further, Vice President Kamala Harris was tapped by Biden to solve the border crisis, but she has refused to visit the area.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].


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12 Thoughts to “Multiple Planes Carry Unaccompanied Migrant Children to Chattanooga”

  1. Ron

    Where is the Governor of TN in all of this. This HAS TO BE STOPPED before the turn TN Blue – which is their ultimate dream. Wake up. It’s about Demographics people.

  2. Why did the Biden Assministration send them mostly to southern, conservative, pleasant weather states? Why weren’t they sent mostly to democrat, northern, cold, liberal lah lah land states like New York, Chicago, etc.? And there had to be receiving 3rd party colluding which is also very disturbing, especially in a nice place like Chattanooga,

  3. Hans miller

    That looks like some real old minors to me.

    1. Yep, they appear to be mostly young men being passed off as “unaccompanied minors,” The Biden Assministraion is playing us.

  4. Ron W

    This is flagrant, in-our-face criminality and treason according to Article III, Sec 3 and Article IV, Sec 4 of the U.S. Constitution which states that “the United States SHALL…protect the States against Invasion…” But instead, the invasion is being allowed, facilitated and the invaders appeased and accommodated. This is overt evil by “wickedness in high places” who have assumed power to work against the People!!

    1. Well outlined., You nailed it Ron W

  5. J Hunter

    Round them up and put them on a plane to DC.

  6. Mary

    Who agreed to let them come to Chattanooga? They need to be sent back to thioer country. Let thier own country deal with fionding thier parents.

  7. Some Dude

    Stop this!

    How are we assured they are not China’s Covid 19 carriers, MS-13 et al members, returning criminals, criminals in general, gang recruits? Oh, yeah… we don’t. But we sure are PAYING for them!

    Stop this!

  8. Dave Vance

    The British sent Hessians, the federal government sends illegals and refugees.

  9. Dave Vance

    Doubt our spineless Governor will do anything about this!

    1. And doubt our US senators will do anything about it. They now have notice. Bueller? Bueller?
